My trip to the American Sewing Expo in Novi was quite the experience! Over 10,000 people visited the Expo Center throughout the weekend. The class I taught was lots of fun. I met so many amazing women and can't wait until next year to meet up with them again. My mom (Rose) and Pal, Faye went with me and helped out---couldn't have managed without them. These pictures are of my classroom where I taught, my students picking out door prizes, my "Booth", my mom checking out the Serger that I ended up buying as a gift to myself and a woman dressed up in a beautiful costume that she made herself. There were Fashion Shows all weekend and Sunday was a Costume Fashion Show.--"sew" much fun, can't wait until next year. If you haven't attended this event, mark your calendars for next September!
Here is a picture of a class that I taught. I met some amazing women and can't wait to meet up with them again next year!
Here are some of my students choosing door prizes.
Shoppers at my booth.
My Mom checking out the Serger that I bought...pasted her inspection :-)
A beautiful lady who stopped and chatted with me about the gorgeous costume that she made.
Can't wait until next years Expo. I recommend it to everyone!