Tuesday, September 29, 2015

American Sewing Expo 2015 was amazing!!

My trip to the American Sewing Expo in Novi was quite the experience! Over 10,000 people visited the Expo Center throughout the weekend. The class I taught was lots of fun. I met so many amazing women and can't wait until next year to meet up with them again. My mom (Rose) and Pal, Faye went with me and helped out---couldn't have managed without them. These pictures are of my classroom where I taught, my students picking out door prizes, my "Booth", my mom checking out the Serger that I ended up buying as a gift to myself and a woman dressed up in a beautiful costume that she made herself. There were Fashion Shows all weekend and Sunday was a Costume Fashion Show.--"sew" much fun, can't wait until next year. If you haven't attended this event, mark your calendars for next September!

Here is a picture of a class that I taught. I met some amazing women and can't wait to meet up with them again next year!

Here are some of my students choosing door prizes.

Shoppers at my booth.

My Mom checking out the Serger that I bought...pasted her inspection :-)

A beautiful lady who stopped and chatted with me about the gorgeous costume that she made. 
Can't wait until next years Expo. I recommend it to everyone!

KIDS "Doll Fashion" Class

October's Doll Fashion Class is Wednesday, October 28th from 4:00-6:00. Please message me if your child is interested in attending. If you are a new student the cost is $22.50 which which covers the cost of instruction, use of machine, project material and snack.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Adult Class- October 22

Adult Class- Thursday, October 22 6:00-7:00
Wine Gift Bag with Coasters. $20 covers the project Kit and use of sewing machine. Please message me if you are interested in registering for class. Several fabric choices to choose from.

October's Kids Classes & Project

My Son (Cody) is finally back in the states and will be coming home next week
 (it's been almost a year !!)
KIDS Class that was scheduled for Saturday, October 10th is going to be rescheduled for Saturday, October 24th. Classes are from  11:30-1:30/ 2:00-4:00.
Tuesday Classes will be the 20th & 27th at 4:00.
Please confirm that your child will be attending. 
Thank you!

Due to students interest and skill levels, October Kids Class project is going to be a cute banner (unless your child is currently working on a different project).
 I am taking new students for Saturdays Classes. Several fabric choices will be available. Contact me if your child is planning to attend. 
Thank you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September Adult Quilting Classes Pics

Baby Blanket, Pumpkin Wall Quilt and Block of the Month were the projects for these classes.


September's Kids Quilting Class

Tonight's Class was full of "newbies" and they all did a terrific job!
Projects: Pillow Case, Doll Sleeping Bag, Tech Cover and Baby Quilt


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

September's KIDS Classes

Tonight was our first KIDS Class for Fall-Session- Katelyn, Megan & Anna (all 3rd year students) decided to make a "Disappearing 9-Patch" project. They did an amazing job!


Sunday, September 6, 2015

KIDS CLASSES--Fall Session Information

 Classes are going to change slightly from my original plan so that I can meet the needs of my students schedules and skill levels. So, this is how it's going to work...
I'm offering 2 Tuesdays and 1 Saturday a month. If your child is going to attend the "FALL" Session you will need to prepay for Sept., Oct., Nov. which is $65. This will cover the cost of the Project, Instruction, use of Machine and Snack & Drink.September's Class dates are Tuesday, September 8th or 22nd from 4-6:00 or Saturday the 12th 900-11:00, 11:30-1:30 or 2:00-4:00. Your child will get to choose between 2 projects, please let me know which they would prefer. September's projects are IPad/Book Cover or Sewing Machine Mat. If your child is a "first-year" student September's Project will be an Apron. Please contact me asap if your child is planning to attend, which day and which project. Thank you!!

Happy Quilting!